On Thursday (19/08/10) afternoon as most of our students were working on either our files or blogs when suddenly the fire alarm ( A high pitched screetching noise) went off right next door to the Academy.
Previously having gone through a fire drill we all clambered down the stairs to the workshop where they keep the saftey masks ect ect. Upon arrival we were notified that there actually was a fire and that this wasnt a joke. Due to us being students we're not allowed to fight in an actual fire, but some of us like myself were sent to the wildlife centre to help out as they readied the feeding if something was to happen. Luckily we were prepared for the news that the fire/ wind direction has changed and was heading straight for the W.L.C. All animals were put into either cages or bhoma's which naturally placed in fire saftey spots. Luckily the wind changed direction away from the W.L.C and the animals were taken back to their cages and bhoma's. Fortunatly no one was hurt, and the students on duty the next day went to back sure that the smouldering tree's and bushes were killed so that we could prevent a new fire from starting.