The definition of love is : "Strong postive emotionof regard and affection"
And I strongly agree to that statement.
On monday morning I helped out at the Wildlife centre where we had to herd two young giraffe's into a pen so that they could get their mid-morning feed.
After ducking from numerous wild kicks that would make even Bruce Lee jealous we finally got the youngest of the two to calm down enough so we could give him his bottle. And my job was to keep Matilda (The eldest of the two) from draining the baby's bottle as fast as she had her own- which proved more difficult than it may sound. After that I retreated to wash my hand from the milk and dribble, only to pass the two Rhino's ; Safrina and Dina. Whom I had previously fell in love with.
Many comments may have been made of Safrina (Above, the one with the horn, not the glasses) about her fiery temper. But that is one of the reasons why I love her. After many affectionate grunts and pats I said a brief goodbye so that I could help prepare her and Dina's food which consists of rice and milk mixture that then gets a few cups of water added to-to give it that watery taste that they love. Though, because Safrina is weaned, she only gets a light powdering of the milk whilst little Dina get two-three cups of it. Which Safrina steals in the end.
Once you have to start caring about not only yourself, your whole perspective on life changes. And I am happy to say that I have fallen in love with a young female Rhino with the name of Saffrina.